Editorial Team
- Xueqin Ding, Case Western Reserve University, USA
- Michael Frass, Medizinische Universität Wien, Austria
- Helen C. Gallagher, School of Medicine and Medical Science, Conway Institute University College Dublin, and School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Trinity College Dublin , Ireland
- Basavana B. Goudra Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Yukio Hayashi Osaka University, Japan
- Peter Kranke, Julius Maximilan University of Würzburg, Germany
- Jean Jacques Lehot, Hopital Louis Pradel, France
- Fabrizio Monaco, San Raffaele Scientific Institute for Research and Care, Italy
- Ronald G. Pearl, Stanford University, USA
- Ferenc Petak University of Szeged, Hungary
- Audun Stubhaug, University of Oslo, Norway
- Chih Shung Wong, Cathay General Hospital, Taiwan