Sharing the full data sets underlying the results in your article brings many benefits. It enables reuse, reduces research waste, and promotes collaboration. Greater transparency increases trust in research results by allowing results to be independently verified. These benefits lead to a more reliable evidence base and a healthier world.
Journal has three policies on data sharing:
1: We require that the data generated by your research that supports your article be made openly and publicly available upon publication of your article. Where it is not possible or viable to make data openly available (due to confidentiality or sensitivity issues), they should be shared through a controlled access repository.
2: We strongly encourage that data generated by your research that supports your article be made available as soon as possible, wherever legally and ethically possible. We require data from clinical trials to be made available upon reasonable request. We require that a data sharing plan must be included with trial registration for clinical trials that begin enrolling participants on or after 1st January 2019. Changes to the plan must be noted in the Data Availability Statement and updated in the registry record (to comply with ICMJE recommendations)
3: We strongly encourage that data generated by your research that supports your article be made available as soon as possible, wherever legally and ethically possible.
All BMJ Journals require a Data Availability Statement for any submitted research articles. On submission, authors are asked to select at least one of the standardised Data Availability Statements text options below in bold as applicable and to supplement these statements with additional information as noted in the guidance below. Authors can select more than one statement if they have data under different conditions. The ICMJE recommendations provide further guidance on how to compose a rich statement.
These statements will be published under the header ‘Data Availability Statement’ within the footnotes section of the final published article.